

Syvde with the previous name of Syvdsbotn, it is a village in the municipality of Vanylven in the region of the country - Sunnmøre.


Google - maps

Here we pointed out the places to see in Syvde and the surrounding area.

Møre og Romsdal

Website called www.morotur.no has a well-developed proposals for mountain hikes. Here you can find something for everyone. From the most advanced hikers to those who have only a small fancy a walk. We have selected for you a few suggestions:i:

Trip to  Bjørnen

Walk from  Kvilehytte

Expedition to Bjælevatnet

From Kilebrekka to the mountains

From Syvde to Øyranakken

The walk to  Os bridge

To Ørnetua

There end backt do Nordalen

Closely to  Skår

Beautiful waterfall